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Funktionelle MR-Bildgebung zur Hypoxiebildgebung für die Strahlentherapie

Start: End: Location: Hör­saal­ge­bäu­de II, Hörsaal 2 & Zoom
Event type:
  • Colloquium
lecture hall with a lot of students © Jürgen Huhn​/​TU Dortmund
Prof. Dr. Lutz Lüdemann

Funktionelle MR-Bildgebung zur Hypoxiebildgebung für die Strahlentherapie

Hypoxia is a major problem in radiation therapy. Outcome of treatment response and patient survival rate depends on tumor oxygenation. Efficiency of radiation is reduced. Assessment of intratumoral tumor oxygenation for dose prescription has the potential to improve treatment efficiency significantly. Tumor oxygenation can be assessed by using several different functional MRI techniques such as BOLD, TOLD, IVM, diffusion, perfusion (DCI-MRI), extravasation (DCI-MRI), compartment assessment, vessel size imaging, kurtosis imaging. Functional MRI and its evaluation  techniques aiming to assess intratumoral oxygenation distribution are presented.
