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Learning Agreement

The Learning Agreement is an agreement between the student, TU Dortmund University (sending institution) and the host university (receiving institution) and is an essential part of the Erasmus program. It lists the courses that you will attend at the host university and which of those courses will be recognized at TU Dortmund University. The Learning Agreement enables a transparent and efficient preparation of your exchange and is also a prerequisite for receiving the mobility grant.

Please arrange an appointment with the Erasmus Department Coordination before filling out the Learning Agreement!

In most cases, Learning Agreements are recorded online:

If the university at which you are spending your Erasmus semester does not use the online Learning Agreement system, you can also create the Learning  Agreement as a PDF document. Important: This is only possible if it is not possible via the Online Learning Agreement platform.

Please pay attention to the following points when creating the Learning Agreement:

  • Add courses for a total of around 30 ECTS (you will only receive the mobility grant if you have at least 15 ECTS)
  • Language courses are typically not included in the Learning Agreement
  • In rare cases, you can also attend courses from other departments (e.g. mathematics) at the host university. Depending on the type of course, it is not guaranteed though that the course can be counted towards your degree in physics (as a minor subject). The courses do however count towards the 15 ECTS limit for the mobility grant
  • In the form, add the current Dean of Studies as the "Sending Responsible Person"
  • In the form, add the current Erasmus coordinator (Chris Malena Delitzsch) as the "Sending Administrative Contact Person"

During the mobility:
It sometimes happens that students cannot or do not want to attend the courses they have chosen before the mobility. For example, sometimes courses are changed at short notice, there might be scheduling conflicts, the content of the chosen course is not as anticipated or the student have discovered other exciting offers on site. Make sure to add these changes in Table A2 and B2 of the Learning Agreement and have the changes signed by the host university and the Dean of Studies.