apl. Prof. Dr. Dmitri Yakovlev
Department of Physics
Otto-Hahn-Str. 4a
44227 Dortmund
Room: CP-01-192
E-Mail: dmitri.yakovlevtu-dortmundde
Tel.: +49 (0)231 755-3534

"The research focus of my group is in the field of exciton spectroscopy and spin physics of semiconductors and semiconductor nanostructures and their study by optical spectroscopy. The energy and spin structure of exciton complexes, as well as of their recombination and spin dynamics are also of interest.
The experiments are performed at low temperatures in liquid helium and in strong magnetic fields up to 17 Tesla. The following techniques will be used: Photoluminescence with high spectral resolution, optical spin orientation, spin-flip Raman scattering, optically detected magnetic resonance, pump-probe time-resolved Kerr/Faraday rotation, and optical harmonic generation. The following materials are studied: III-V and II-VI quantum wells and quantum dots fabricated by molecular beam epitaxy, colloidal nanocrystals, perovskites, dilute magnetic semiconductors.
The group has developed a long-term, well-established international collaboration with experimentalists and theorists."