Prof. Dr. Shaukat Khan
Department of Physics
Center for Synchrotron Radiation
Maria-Goeppert-Mayer-Str. 2
44227 Dortmund
Room: 03
Tel.: +49 (0)231 755-5399
Fax: +49 (0)231 755-5383

"My group is involved in modern subfields of accelerator physics, in particular the interaction between electrons in the storage ring and femtosecond laser pulses to produce ultrashort pulses in the extreme ultraviolet and terahertz range. We are developing electronic and optical techniques for beam diagnostics and machine learning methods to optimize accelerator parameters. For example, one new activity is Compton scattering of laser photons by electrons to precisely determine their energy and other parameters. We collaborate with other accelerator centers in several areas, e.g., further development of synchrotron radiation sources and free-electron lasers, temporal and spectral shaping of terahertz pulses, and control of beam parameters in electron and proton machines. A current future project is the design of an electron source for time-resolved electron diffraction."