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Small gas, big effect - How the greenhouse effect is heating us up.

Start: End: Location: Hörsaalgebäude II, Hörsaal 1 und 2
Event type:
  • Veranstaltungen
  • Brötchen-und-Borussia
Portrait of Henning Moldenhauer © Felix Schmale​/​TU Dortmund
Lecture in the series "Brötchen und Borussia" by Dr. Henning Moldenhauer, TU Dortmund.

Why are we talking about the climate crisis and CO2? What do light and a window in the atmosphere have to do with it?

In this lecture, we will take a closer look at the physical basis of the climate crisis - the greenhouse effect. We will learn about the structure of the earth with atmosphere, understand its energy balance and see how different gases react to (sun)light. At the end, it will be clear why we don't want to close the window in the atmosphere and what this might have to do with a down jacket.

Direct link to the live stream