Master of Science / University of Toronto
The University of Toronto, through its soon to be 150 year old physics faculty, not only offers a broad program of lectures and courses to broaden and deepen one's knowledge, but also has a variety of scientific research groups. These provide significant contributions to current research and also offer a great opportunity to gain first experiences in university research. Following my bachelor's thesis, I completed a self-organized research internship in the ATLAS research group at the University of Toronto. In this internship, I independently planned and performed studies on irradiated silicon sensors. These studies served to better understand and model the operation of such sensors in a detector after a longer run time. During my time in Toronto, I was not only warmly welcomed into the research group, but was valued as a full member. I owe this experience not only to the fact that I was able to publish the results of my studies together with my colleagues in a journal at the end. But above all, I also found new friends who share my enthusiasm for physics and will be with me for a long time to come.