Master of Science / University of Illinois at Chicago
The stay abroad at the University of Illinois at Chicago during my master thesis on topological phases in magnet-superconductor hybrid structures offered me not only the opportunity to research and learn under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Dirk Morr, but also to get to know Chicago directly from the campus, as it is directly adjacent to the city center.
The local working group integrated me immediately and the discussions helped me immensely with my projects on topological superconductors, while I communicated regularly with my supervisor Prof. Dr. Götz Uhrig at TU Dortmund University via email and gave several talks to the working group in Dortmund.
Chicago itself is a very diverse city and it was a lot of fun to discover it bit by bit, sometimes by visiting some skyscrapers, trying out new food, moving across the city by train and experiencing a real Chicago winter.