Master of Science - 2019
I did my Master in Physics at the University of Bologna and I carried out my Master’s thesis project in the ATLAS hardware working group of Prof. Kröninger, coming to the TU of Dortmund for the winter semester in 2019.
During my years of studies, I have always been drawn by the idea of the cooperation among scientists worldwide, leading to the progress of the research and the knowledge. This is one of the aspects that I like most of studying physics and of working in the research field and I can confirm, based on my
experience, that this is an essential part of the training during the studies.
The idea of carrying on my Master’s thesis abroad has been inspired by my involvement in ITHEPHY project and by the possibility to work in a hardware project in the laboratory, testing innovative silicon pixel sensors for the upgrade of the Inner Tracker of the ATLAS experiment. Every day of those six intense months was an adventure to me: from dealing with the public transportation and the new language, to trying to adapt myself in the organization and the traditions of the new research group, interconnecting the working flows and the rules of two different universities in two different countries, always keeping in mind my purposes as a physicist and as a person.

I am really glad I had the opportunity to carry on my Master's thesis in such an inspiring environment, supported by the friendly atmosphere of the whole research group, encouraged also by the curiosity to know more about each other from both sides.
The ERASMUS community in Dortmund also played an essential role during my stay in Germany, giving me the chance to create a good network of friends and to know more about the German culture.
The participation of some members of the ATLAS group in Dortmund during my Master's thesis defense in Bologna has been the most rewarding ending of this experience, and I will always be grateful for all the skills, self-esteem and network with new people that has brought to me.
I would always recommend to cross the border and challenge yourself in such an experience, as I believe the world needs cooperation and an open-mind to understand the complexity of what is moving around us.