Mentoring program 2022/2023
- News

This year, the physicists want to connect female students from the first semester with a mentor from one of the higher semesters.
For this we need you, female students, who have started studying physics in the last 3-4 years and who want to support the new students in order to make their start into their studies easier. You can decide for yourselves how and how often you will exchange information, but we are also planning a mentor café at the beginning so that everyone can get to know each other. The date will be published as soon as we have the first reports from you, the future mentors.
We would be really happy if you want to be part of it and thus contribute to strengthening the network among us female physicists.
Registration for mentors (and also mentees who may already be reading this) or questions about the program are welcome at: chancengleichheit.physiktu-dortmundde
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