Physics Professor from the USA teaches at TU Dortmund in the Summer Semester
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"The new guest chair makes an important contribution to the internationalization of teaching," says Prof. Kevin Kröninger, Dean of the Faculty of Physics. "Our students get an impression of teaching concepts and lecturers from abroad - and that on the home campus." All visiting professors are qualified in instrumentation: an important field for physicists, because scientific instruments needed for research cannot usually simply be bought, but have to be developed by physicists themselves. In particle physics, for example, working groups from all over the world jointly develop the large experiments at the LHC particle accelerator at the Swiss research centre CERN. In solid-state and medical physics, too, complex measuring systems have to be built from individual components.
More guests expected from Canada, Japan and Italy
Andreas Jung is the first visiting professor in the new programme. For him, TU Dortmund is an old acquaintance: he graduated here in 2004. He now lives in the USA and holds a professorship in physics and astronomy at Purdue University in Indiana. The experimental particle physicist conducts research at the CMS experiment at CERN. There, he is involved in the further development of detectors that can provide new insights into the physics of heavy quarks. As part of his visiting professorship at TU Dortmund University, he will hold English-language lectures and take exams. He will also have the opportunity to work on research projects and supervise theses.
All visiting professors will give their students new impulses by building a bridge between the theoretical training in instrumentation and their practical experience. In the next three semesters, the Faculty of Physics expects further guests from Canada, Japan and Italy. The courses of the visiting professors are an integral part of the international Master's programme "Advanced Methods in Particle Physics". This highly specialised programme with a focus on particle physics has been offered in cooperation with the University of Bologna in Italy and the University of Clermont Auvergne in France since the winter semester 2021/22 and results in a joint degree from all three universities.
Prof. Ulrich Bonse gives the chair its name
The new guest chair is named after Prof. Ulrich Bonse: He came to the newly founded University of Dortmund in 1970 and is a founding member of the Faculty of Physics, which he continued to shape even after his retirement in 1993. Among other things, he was Dean of the Faculty, Senator of the University and Prorector for Research. Prof. Bonse received several awards for his research and his commitment to TU Dortmund University. His research foci were X-ray interferometry and X-ray microtomography with synchrotron radiation.
Visiting Professor & Visiting Scholar Programme
In order to strengthen the internationality of teaching, the Vice-Rector for International Affairs at TU Dortmund University, Prof. Tessa Flatten, launched the "Visiting Professor & Visiting Scholar Program" in autumn 2021, in which Prof. Andreas Jung is also participating. All faculties have the opportunity to invite guests from abroad to TU Dortmund University as part of the new programme. The Rectorate rewards the activities by giving the guests a letter of invitation and a certificate of their stay. The International Affairs Department also provides support with a variety of welcome services.