Till Moritz Karbach Prize
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The Till Moritz Karbach Prize has been awarded annually since 2016 by the Department of Physics for a dissertation in the field of particle physics or scientific computing/high performance computing that has been awarded with distinction. The namesake, Dr. Till Moritz Karbach, studied, completed his doctorate and conducted research as a physicist at TU Dortmund University from 2000 to 2012. He then worked at CERN until his tragic death while mountain climbing. The prize was donated by the parents of Dr. Till Moritz Karbach (1979 - 2015) to promote young scientists. The prize money amounts to 1,500 euros.
The prizewinner, Dr. Nico Adolph, completed his doctorate entitled "Rare radiative charm decays in and beyond the standard model" in the working group of Prof. Gudrun Hiller. In it, he dealt with the theoretical foundations of the phenomenology of decays of hadrons with charm quark components. With his work, the prizewinner made substantial contributions to the search for new phenomena in the charm sector, which he was able to publish in several scientific journals.
The award ceremony took place as part of the Physics Colloquium of the Department of Physics. The guest speaker was Prof. Dr. Konstantinos Nikolopoulos, Professor at the University of Hamburg, on the question "Where does mass come from?".