Welcome of new students in the IMAPP program
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The international Master's degree program “Advanced Methods in Particle Physics” (IMAPP), which is jointly offered by the Universities of Bologna and Clermont-Auvergne as well as TU Dortmund University, is entering the next round. Students on this program will travel together through Europe to study at all three universities in turn. The program focuses on particle physics and the main methods used in this field, namely statistics and machine learning, instrumentation and scientific computing and programming. In addition to academic training, all three universities will offer language courses, cultural events and local support to bring the students closer to the spirit of Europe and make their journey unforgettable. The program is financially supported by the Erasmus Mundus program of the European Union, the French-German University as well as the French-Italian University.
The cohort that will start in the 2024/25 academic year comprises 28 students from 18 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and South America. The first semester takes place at the University of Clermont-Auvergne and so the students were welcomed there at the beginning of September by representatives of the physics departments in Bologna, Clermont and Dortmund. Next year, the prospective particle physicists will travel on to Dortmund and Bologna for further academic training. From there, they will continue to one of the program's many partner institutions around the world to conduct research as part of their Master's project.