Quantum mechanics in everyday life
- Veranstaltungen
- Brötchen-und-Borussia

Quantum mechanics with its consequences for our understanding of nature is often perceived as mysterious, mathematically complicated and impenetrable or even spooky. As a prelude to the International Year of Quantum Science 2025, this lecture will shed light on a completely different aspect. For modern physics, quantum mechanics has become a completely normal and practical tool for understanding our world. But quantum mechanics also plays a role in the everyday lives of non-physicists: simple questions such as “Why can we see through a window pane, but not through the window frame?”, “What is the glue that holds the world together?”, “Why can't muggles walk through walls?” or “How do brilliant colors get into our screens?” can be answered with the help of quantum physics - even without higher mathematics. And if you look closely enough, you can even find quantum leaps in a simple loose connection! With these examples and simple experiments, we want to take a closer look at everyday quantum physics.