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Research Center CSS

AMO Physics with Cold Molecules

Atoms and molecules are the constituents of matter and cold atomic and molecular gases provide a versatile experimental platform to control and study fundamental quantum effects. State-of-the-art techniques based on manipulation of molecular beams using high magnetic fields, atomic and molecular laser cooling together with evaporative cooling allow access to cold and ultracold temperatures, low enough to observe quantum degeneracy. Atom and molecule Interaction with electromagnetic radiation ranging from from optical, mid IR, terahertz and radio frequencies enable exquisite control over all quantum atomic and molecular degrees of freedom and serve as a building block for quantum technology. The cold molecule group focuses on ultralow energy collisions between molecules as well as developing novel molecular cooling methods. The ultracold quantum gases group focuses on quantum simulation of quantum many-body systems with ultracold atoms. The research connects to quantum many-body systems and quantum control in solids and establishes an AMO community at TU Dortmund.

Experimental Atomic, Molecular and Optical (AMO) Physics with Cold Molecules

Prof. Dr. Edvardas Narevicius

Department of Physics
Otto-Hahn-Str. 4a
44227 Dortmund

Room: CP-03-186
E-mail: edvardas.nareviciustu-dortmundde
Tel.: +49 (0)231 755-8896

© Martina Hengesbach​/​TU Dortmund
Experimental Atomic, Molecular and Optical (AMO) Physics with Cold Molecules

Prof. Dr. Christof Weitenberg

Department of Physics
Otto-Hahn-Str. 4a
44227 Dortmund


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