PD Dr. Dominik Elsässer
Department of Physics
Otto-Hahn-Str. 4a
44227 Dortmund
Room: P2-01-424
E-Mail: dominik.elsaessertu-dortmundde
Tel.: +49 (0)231 755-4526

"My central research interests concern the understanding of extreme phenomena in the universe, such as those that occur around supermassive black holes and in gamma-ray bursts. I am also fascinated by dark matter, which we are investigating through indirect searches for annihilation or decay products. In all these activities on the shore of the cosmic ocean, methods of multi-messenger and multi-wavelength astrophysics play an increasingly important role. Therefore, we gain knowledge not only by means of the MAGIC and CTA gamma-ray telescope systems, but also by analysing observations in the radio range. For this purpose, we are developing analysis methods based on artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Modern methods of communicating and conveying science as well as the training and further education of teachers are just as important to me as the close connection between subject science and subject didactics."