Prof. Dr. Julia Katharina Vogel
Department of Physics
Otto-Hahn-Str. 4a
44227 Dortmund
Room: CP-03-104
E-Mail: julia.vogeltu-dortmundde
Tel.: +49 231 755 8885

"Our work specializes in dark matter searches, high-energy astrophysics,
and the design of X-ray telescopes.
In the field of rare event searches, we study axions—hypothetical
particles that are prime candidates to solve the dark matter mystery and
address open questions in Quantum Chromodynamics. We particularly
investigate the production of axions in the interiors of stars, such as
in the core of our Sun, via the Primakoff effect. We utilize axion
helioscopes, such as the CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST) and the
upcoming International Axion Observatory (IAXO) at DESY, to search for
these elusive particles.
In X-ray astronomy, we focus on the study of neutron stars, particularly
magnetars with extremely strong magnetic fields. Using missions like
NuSTAR (3-79 keV) and XMM-Newton/Chandra (up to 10-15 keV), we study the
X-ray emission of these enigmatic endpoints of stellar evolution and
test models explaining their underlying physics. Interestingly, these
missions can also be utilized as a novel approach to search for axions,
axion-like particles, and other beyond-Standard-Model particles.
Connecting the above-mentioned topics, we develop reflective X-ray
optics, typically Wolter-I systems with multilayer coatings, to optimize
ground-based and space-based experiments. These include dark matter
searches, high-energy density experiments, future X-ray astronomy
missions, and potential medical imaging applications."