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Doris Reiter is the latest addition to the Physics Department

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Portrait Doris Reiter © Doris Reiter​/​TU Dortmund
Doris Reiter conducts research in theoretical solid-state physics.

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Doris Reiter joined the Department of Physics on 1 April in the field of theoretical solid state physics. Her field of research is light-matter interaction in nanostructured solids. In particular, she is working intensively on semiconductors and their nanostructures, which will enable fruitful collaborations with the existing working groups in experiment and theory. She will also head the planned Dortmund Graduate School in Physics. Dr. Reiter comes from the University of Münster, where she held a junior professorship. In addition to her activities at the university, Ms Reiter is involved in the German Physical Society (DPG) and was awarded "Physicist of the Week" last year.