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Packed schedule during the CERN excursion

The participants of the CERN excursion in front of the snowy Globe of Science and Innovation at CERN. © Department of Physics​/​TU Dortmund
The participants of the CERN excursion in front of the snowy Globe of Science and Innovation at CERN.

As part of the CERN excursion, nearly 50 students visited the centre of research for particle physics.

A certainly rapid bus trip through snowy Switzerland transported nearly 50 physics and medical physics students from the lectures “Kern- und Elementarteilchenphysik” and “Struktur der Materie” to CERN near Geneva at the beginning of January. The two-day-long programme was well-filled with different excursions, guided by physicists. From the now retired synchrocyclotron over to the Antimatter Factory to the cool(ed) servers of the CERN Data Centres, many interesting things were revealed. The trip culinarily completed with a Swiss fondue at the Lake Geneva. Finally, a visit to the ATLAS detector, located 100 meters deep underground at the Large Hadron collider was another highlight of the excursion which will surely be remembered for a long time by all participants.