Archived News
NRW-USA cooperation in quantum research strengthened
Rector Prof. Manfred Bayer has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the University of California, Berkeley.
TU Dortmund University submits full proposals for Clusters of Excellence
The University Alliance Ruhr is applying for the Excellence Strategy with a total of four research projects.
Exotic quantum state observed
An international research team publishes the discovery of repulsively bound magnons in "Nature".
2.8 million euros for research into quantum technologies
Prof. Marc Aßmann and Dr. Doris Reiter were successful with their projects in the European funding program QuantERA.
Unusual transport properties discovered in quantum metal
A team led by Prof. Zhe Wang has published the latest findings on quantum phase transitions in "Physical Review Letters".
On the perfect wave through the day - MinTU
In this year's MinTU workshop at the DLR School Lab, 36 schoolgirls investigated waves and vibrations.