Archived News
BMBF ErUM: Funding for the IceCube, CTA, and D-MeerKAT projects at the Department of Physics
BMBF funds astroparticle physicists at the Department of Physics
IceCube discovers neutrinos from the Milky Way
The international consortium, which also includes TU physicists, presents its findings in the journal Science.
Physics department celebrates 50th anniversary
As part of the celebrations, the Physics Department awarded an honorary doctorate to Prof. Helmut Dosch.
DFG funds interdisciplinary project on novel rare earth materials for magneto-optical applications
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Anjana Devi and Dr. Jörg Debus answer important scientific questions with their research on rare earth sulphides.
"Zwischen Brötchen und Borussia" takes astronomy and biological systems as its theme
The series of events starts on 27 May with a lecture on "Astronomy and Mathematics in the Plant World".
Humboldt Professorship awarded in Berlin
Prof. Edvardas Narevicius from the Department of Physics was awarded the prestigious research prize on 11 May.