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New research network between TU Dortmund University and Boston University

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© Matthias Schneider​/​TU Dortmund
Kick-off Meeting in Boston

On October 11, a kick-off meeting for a new research collaboration between the physics departments of TU Dortmund University and Boston University took place in Boston.

On October 11th, a kick-off meeting for a new research collaboration between the Faculty of Physics at TU Dortmund and Boston University (BU) took place in Boston. The plan is to initiate an exchange between the two universities on several levels. The focus will initially be on the life sciences and medical physics. The meeting was sponsored by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

Ken Olliff (Vice President BU), Martin Schmalz (BU, Humboldt Prize winner), Michelle Sander (BU), Sonja Kreibich (Consul General in Boston), Matthias Schneider (TU), Shyam Erramilli (Chair of Physics, BU), Annabelle Sömer (TU, medical physics student), Anna M. Mendel (TU, medical physics student), Björn Reinhard (BU).