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Top marks in the CHE university ranking

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Panorama Bild vom Campus Nord © Nikolas Golsch​​/​​TU Dortmund

According to a nationwide survey for the CHE University Ranking, those studying chemistry, computer science, mathematics or physics at TU Dortmund University are particularly satisfied with the study situation. The nine Bachelor's degree programmes offered by the university in these four subject groups are among the top group in several categories. The results are published on the HeyStudium portal, which was created from the ZEIT study guide.

This year's evaluation shows that the Faculty of Mathematics in particular offers a wide range of support for first-semester students: In the facts section of the rankings, the faculty came top in the category ‘Support at the start of studies’ with 11 out of 16 points. In addition to facts on the areas of study, teaching and research, the CHE University Ranking also includes student judgements in particular. In the survey section, students were able to award up to five stars for various categories: In all four subjects, respondents rated the organisation of studies extremely positively with 4.3 to even 4.7 stars. This puts the degree programmes in the top group.

The two degree programmes in Chemistry and Chemical Biology only achieved ratings in the top range of at least four stars in all categories surveyed: for example, for support during studies (4.1), laboratory practicals (4.1) or scientific skills (4.3). The Computer Science and Applied Computer Science degree programmes scored particularly well for their facilities (4.3) and good support from teaching staff (4.2). In the Mathematics, Technomathematics and Business Mathematics degree programmes, the support provided by lecturers (4.2) and the introduction to scientific work (4.2) were also rated particularly highly. The Physics and Medical Physics degree programmes achieved top marks for laboratory practicals (4.1) and career guidance (4.2), among other things. The ranking also shows that the Department of Physics is among the best in Germany for ‘Master's degrees in a reasonable time’.

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