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Science show for young and old

„Zwischen Brötchen und Borussia“ presents the great Physikanten-Quiz

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The Astro-Show: PHYSIKANTEN © Joe Kramer
The Physikanten & Co. are a team of natural scientists, actors and presenters.

The lecture series "Samstags zwischen Brötchen und Borussia: Moderne Physik für alle" at TU Dortmund University ends this summer semester with the "big Physikanten-Quiz": On July 17, TU Dortmund University will show the entertaining show in a livestream from the lecture hall starting at 10:45 am. Under strict protective measures, 70 TU members each will be able to watch the show on site twice - once at 10:45 a.m. and once at 1 p.m.

For over 20 years, the "Physikanten", founded by TU graduate Marcus Weber, have been presenting their entertaining science shows. This time they will show their spectacular experiments as part of an interactive quiz show for guessing along. The audience can participate via live chat. The first show starts at 10:45 a.m. and lasts one hour. It will be shown via Livestream.

The big Physikanten quiz marks the end of the lecture series "Zwischen Brötchen und Borussia", which is aimed at adults as well as children and young people and provides information about unusual questions in physics in an entertaining way. So far this semester, all lectures in the series have been offered as a stream with live chat.

Twice 70 seats each for on-site participation

For the first time, a total of 140 people will be able to watch the final show on site on Saturday under strict protective measures. Seventy TU members each - employees and students - can register for two shows, once at 10:45 a.m. and once at 1 p.m. One-fifth of the seats in Lecture Hall 1 of Lecture Hall Building II will be offered for this purpose. Protective measures include, above all, the tracking of seat occupancy and participation in the TU Dortmund test strategy. If you are a TU member and would like to register for the show, you can find all the information here:

More information:

Event website

To the registration