Prof. Dr. Johannes Albrecht
Department of Physics
Otto-Hahn-Str. 4a
44227 Dortmund
Room: CP-03-113
E-Mail: johannes.albrechttu-dortmundde
Tel.: +49 (0)231 755-8526

"Experimental particle physics and also medical physics characterize the research work of the Albrecht group. In the field of particle physics, we are conducting research with the LHCb experiment, which is one of the four large experiments at CERN's Large Hadron Collider and addresses fundamental questions about the understanding of our universe. In particular, we are interested in the mystery of why there is hardly any antimatter in our universe, even though matter and antimatter were created in equal parts in the Big Bang. Huge amounts of data and extremely rare processes pose challenges in data analysis, which are tackled using state-of-the-art methods such as machine learning. There here in the field of artificial intelligence and data processing also a natural connection to computer science. In addition to data analysis, we also research and then build novel particle detectors. The experience we have gained in the fields of data analysis and detector physics also forms the basis of our work in the field of medical physics. Here we are dealing with questions of dosimetry, brachytherapy and teletherapy, diagnostic techniques and image processing."