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Academic Advice

The Academic Advice service helps you on subject-related topics concerning your studies at the Department of Physics (e.g. on the contents of the degree program, on examinations, on the recognition of achievements) and supports you with individual study-related questions. Please inform yourself on our website before the consultation and contact the person in charge with your request.

© Roland Baege​/​TU Dortmund

Physics and Medical Physics

In the period from 3.3.-26.3. the physics and medical physics advisory service is canceled. In urgent cases I can be reached by email during this time.

Office hours

Priv. Doz. Dr. Jörg Bünemann Tuesday: 13:30-14:30
Wednesday: 13:30–14:30
Academic advise takes place on Tuesday also via Zoom. Zoom-link for Tuesday .

Teacher Training

International Master of Advanced Methods in Particle Physics