Doctoral Program
Every year, 20 to 30 doctoral students graduate with the academic degree Dr. rer. nat. from. The doctorate is not a degree in the usual sense, but mainly consists of working on an independent research project in one of the research areas represented at the department. Doctoral students are members of a research group in our department. Anyone interested in carrying out a doctoral project should therefore apply directly to the relevant working group.
Dortmund Graduate School of Physics
PhD students at the Department of Physics of TU Dortmund University are supported by the Dortmund Graduate School of Physics. All PhD students who have registered their PhD from 2023-01-01 are members of the Dortmund Graduate School of Physics. The structured program in the Graduate School is intended to help doctoral candidates and supervisors to better define and communicate their goals and progress during the doctorate and thus to ensure that the doctoral process runs smoothly. This also includes the professional and interdisciplinary qualification of the doctoral students, the promotion of networks, for example through doctoral student meetings, as well as assistance with career development.