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Information for New Students

Compulsory Self-Test of the Department of Physics

Participation in a mathematical online self-test is a compulsory enrollment requirement for the bachelor's degree programs in physics and medical physics, but it is also recommended for all physics teacher training students. The test is for your orientation only and does not have to be "passed". Only participation in the test is an enrollment requirement. The test is intended to provide newcomers with an indication of the extent to which it is advisable to work through mathematical content before the start of the course. The Departments of Physics and Mathematics offer preparatory courses in the weeks before the beginning of the lecture period, which we present to you here.


Mathematical Refresher Course in the Department of Physics

If the self-test revealed major uncertainties, you should take our one-week mathematical refresher course to practice mathematical techniques before the actual preliminary course. This takes place 3 weeks before the start of the respective winter semester. A registration option and further information can be found on the refresher course page.

Mathematical Pre-Course of the Department of Physics

If you know how to solve most of the tasks in the self-test, you will be well equipped to take part in the preliminary mathematics course at the Department of Physics. This takes place in the two weeks before the start of the winter semester and participation is recommended to all students in the first semester at the Department of Physics. On the page of the pre-course there is the possibility to register and the organization of the course takes place.

Pre-course of the Department of Mathematics

The Department of Mathematics also offers a three-week preliminary course with lectures (2 hours a day) and exercises (2 hours a day). For those who are taking this course, attending the refresher course at the Department of Physics will no longer make sense. Workplaces in the physics building are available in the foyer as well as in the student work area P1-O4-315 on the 4th floor for joint or individual calculation of the exercise sheets for this preliminary course

Schedule for the mathematical preliminary courses

8.9.25-12.9.25     Pre-course mathematics
15.9.25-19.9.25     Pre-course mathematics
22.9.25-26.9.25   Refresher course physics Pre-course mathematics
29.9.25-3.10.25 Pre-course physics    
6.10.25-10.10.25 Pre-course physics    
13.10.25 Start of semester      

Online bridge-course

A very good repetition of school mathematics is offered by the free online bridge-course in mathematics developed at several universities and technical colleges with the support of the Conference of the Department of Physics in Germany:
There you can work through chapters, test your understanding with sample exercises and ask questions to the online community or trained tutors. Working through the bridge course is a good preparation for the mathematics pre-courses at university. However, since the scope of the material is not the same, the bridge course is not a substitute for the preliminary course.

The start of your studies

You can find information about the content of your first year of study on the pages for the respective degree programmes, i.e. Bachelor of Physics, Bachelor of Medical Physics and Physics Teacher Training. On the page the first two semesters you will find information about organisational aspects of your studies.