M. Sc. Medical Physics / TU Dortmund
I have already completed my bachelor's degree here in Dortmund and am now studying medical physics in the first master's semester. Particularly in the master's degree, the program is characterized by a wide range of electives, in which you can choose from the five main areas of clinical medical physics, imaging techniques, neuroinformatics, biophysics and applied physics in medicine. The courses are offered by both the TU Dortmund University and the Ruhr University Bochum. Due to this wide range of courses, you can choose the courses according to your own interests.
Because the number of students in my semester became manageable towards the end of the bachelor's program, but especially now in the master's program, the teachers are happy to take time for each individual in the courses, so that questions and problems can usually be solved very quickly. In general, the communication between students and teachers is also very good, which is also due to the close contact between the student council and the deans. Many of the students' concerns and wishes, especially regarding digital teaching, have already been discussed and implemented by the lecturers.
Another advantage of the small semester sizes is that students know each other and can work out and discuss the contents of their studies together. Personally, I have to say that I get much more out of the courses than I would if I were to work through the content completely on my own. Of course, this is a bit more difficult in the current times, since you can only meet online and this can in no way replace the atmosphere of the physics building on campus. There, you usually run into each other much more often and can support each other with problems, but there are digital alternatives via Zoom or on the Discord server of the student council for that as well, so we can keep in touch with each other even now.