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Award of the Martin-Schmeißer Medal

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Jasmin Bedow © TU Dortmund
Jasmin Bedow receives the Martin-Schmeißer Medal from TU Dortmund University for her Master's thesis.

On 26 January, Jasmin Bedow was awarded the Martin-Schmeißer Medal of TU Dortmund University for her outstanding Master's thesis "Edge Modes in Magnet-Superconductor Hybrid Structures". Every year, this medal is awarded to an excellent student who has done their work in an international context. Ms Bedow, for example, did her work with Prof. Götz Uhrig in the Department of Physics at TU Dortmund University and with Prof. Dirk Morr at the University of Illinois at Chicago. In this work, she analyses topological effects in superconductors that interact with topologically special magnetic structures (3q structure or magnetic skyrmions). Topological effects have entered condensed matter physics at least since the 2016 Nobel Prize to David Thouless, Duncan Haldane and Michael Kosterlitz, and promise novel transport phenomena with reduced dissipation, i.e. less resistive losses, which can enable more sustainable information processing in the longer term. Jasmin Bedow's Master's thesis has resulted in two publications in international journals, one of them with her as first author, for which researchers from Germany, the USA and Australia cooperated. The Department of Physics congratulates Ms Bedow and wishes her continued success in her research!