Bachelor of Science - 2023

While doing an Erasmus mobility so early into my bachelor degree was a bold move, it is still one of the best decisions I've made, because it afforded me with so many new experiences that will undoubtedly stay with me forever.
Initially I didn't know much about Dortmund or Germany in general. It's very different from what I'm used to in Greece, and my university AUTh proved to also have differences from TU Dortmund. I had a small background in German but it definitely didn't compare to what I encountered. During my time here, I improved not only my German skills, but a lot of other skills too. I travelled more than I ever had and saw many new places and things.
But the highlight of my mobility was the people. I met so many new people at the university, at the dorms, in the city, that all treated me with warmth and kindness and with some I keep contact even after my return.
The Physics faculty in TU Dortmund is manned with incredible people that love physics and what they do, and are willing to help you every step of your learning process to make it as seamless and enjoyable as possible. I will never forget the kindness and accommodation I was showed and I aspire to pay that forward when I get the chance. I learned new ways of researching and working in physics, new methods of studying and I caught a grasp of different systems of teaching and operation. I now can say that I can work and adapt way easier than before, which will prove useful later on in my academic career.
My Erasmus+ mobility in Dortmund overall has reinvigorated my love for physics and equipped me with useful tools to assist both my academic and personal growth. But above all it was an awesome time and a rewarding experience that will forever resonate with me. It left me with friends from all over the world that each did a small part to make me the person I am today
Despoina would be happy to provide more detailled information in case you would like to get in touch with her before your exchange. Please contact her via e-mail.