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Antiferromagnetic spin chains -- a paradigm in many-body quantum physics

Beginn: Ende: Veranstaltungsort: Hör­saal­ge­bäu­de II, Hörsaal 2
  • Kolloquium
Hinterköpfe bei Vorlesung im Audimax © Oliver Schaper​/​TU Dortmund
Vortrag im Kolloquium von Prof. Dr. Frank Göhmann.
Antiferromagnetic spin chains -- a paradigm in many-body quantum physics

Prof. Dr. Frank Göhmann

The Heisenberg-Ising spin chain is a one-dimensional variant of the fundamental model for the antiferromagnetism of insulators. Its integrable structure makes it possible to evaluate some of the functional integrals that determine its free energy, its reduced density matrix or its dynamical two-point correlation functions more or less explicitly. I shall attempt to explain the origin of this model in physics, its mathematical structure and some of the recent progress in understanding its dynamical properties.