Transport and scattering in exotic quantum matter
- Kolloquium

Transport and scattering in exotic quantum matter
Key aspects of today's research on quantum matter are exotic ground
states which, for example, feature fractionalized or topological
excitations. In this talk I will provide an overview on pertinent
research activities of the experimental solid state physics group at the
University of Wuppertal with a focus on the transport properties of
low-dimensional and frustrated quantum magnets. Typically, these system
possess strongly quantum disordered ground states, and yet well-defined
emergent fractionalized excitations with peculiar properties. I will
first introduce the nature of such fractionalized excitations - the
spinons - in 1D Heisenberg chains and demonstrate the ballistic nature
of their heat transport. Afterwards, ongoing research on the thermal
Hall effect in Kitaev materials which are candidates for Majorana
fermion and vison excitations as well as the ultra-low-temperature
transport of kagome materials will be discussed.