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Particle physics at extreme energies using neutrino telescopes

Beginn: Ende: Veranstaltungsort: Hörsaalgebäude II, Hörsaal 2
  • Kolloquium
Bild zum Kolloquium von Prof. Dr. Juan Pablo Yanez Garza © Juan Pablo Yanez Garza ​/​ University of Alberta

Vortrag im Kolloquium von Prof. Dr. Juan Pablo Yanez Garza

Prof. Dr. Juan Pablo Yanez Garza, University of Alberta

Particle physics at extreme energies using neutrino telescopes

The standard model of particle physics has proven to be an extremely successful theory, but we know that it lacks explanations to phenomena observed at various scales. From the particles it contains, neutrinos are a puzzling group, with unusual properties that suggest they could be key in finding what lies beyond our current understanding. In this colloquium I cover how neutrino telescopes are a unique and crucial tool to study very high-energy neutrinos. I will introduce neutrino telescopes, a selection of recent results, and an exciting possibility of having a neutrino telescope in Canada using novel detection techniques.